Thursday, February 23, 2012

Explain Yourself, American Voter.

Remember back to the days when Bush was in office. The Left hated Bush. Couldn't stand him. Thought he was ruining America. Fast forward to today. The Right hates Obama. Can't stand him. Thinks he's destroying America.

One big difference I see is the Right's inability to explain what Obama has done to destroy America. With Bush, the Socialist Elite would quickly point to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as their main source of outrage. They could even tell you a bit about those wars, and perhaps explain why they opposed them. With Obama, I don't hear any pointed criticism. He's a socialist. He hates America. At best, you'll get some criticism of the stimulus, Obamacare, and the Wall Street bailout. But ask some follow up questions about why those things are so bad, and you're likely circling back to cries that Obama is a socialist and he hates America.

I bring this up because I was told recently that Obama is ruining the country. How so, I asked. The response: He's a socialist. I mean, next thing you know he'll be telling us all what clothes to wear.

Huh. So he's ruining the country because of an imaginary national uniform plan you just made up?

Look, I'm not saying Obama is the greatest president ever. James Brown was. I invite our Conservative readers to tell us specifically how Obama is ruining this country. Maybe he is ruining the country. I just don't know how.

It's too bad this blog doesn't actually have readers to join the discussion.

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