Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So, in conclusion, what was the question?

Dear Senator Hutchison,

I appreciate your prompt and information-packed response to my inquiry regarding the mortgage income deduction. I am glad you are well-versed on the mortgage interest deduction, the federal deficit and debt, and the proposals to scale back the mortgage interest deduction. However, it appears you completely avoided my question.

In my inquiry, I asked you to state whether you are FOR or AGAINST the mortgage interest deduction status quo. After reading your response, I have no idea what your position is.

Americans deserve to know your position on the mortgage interest deduction. So once again, please state whether you are FOR or AGAINST the mortgage interest deduction status quo. You can explain your position all you want. If you refuse to take a position, please expressly state that you refuse to take a position.

Thank you in advance for clearly stating your position on the mortgage interest deduction. I will post your response on my blog.


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