Thursday, March 22, 2012

Letters to Lamar.

Dear Congressman Smith:

There has been lots of talk lately about increasing gas prices. Many Republicans have blamed higher gas prices on the Obama Administration. In fact, you did so yourself recently in your March 16th Energy Solutions column.

You wrote: "I will continue pushing for an energy approach that utilizes our own resources to protect Americans from surging gas prices in the future."

Here's the link to your column if you'd like to review it:

Today I ran across an AP article you might find interesting. Here's a link to the article from the San Antonio Express-News website:

In short, the article says increased domestic oil production (as you've advocated in your Energy Solutions column) will not bring down gasoline prices. Here's a quote from the article: "That's because oil is a global commodity and U.S. production has only a tiny influence on supply. Factors far beyond the control of a nation or a president dictate the price of gasoline."

Do you agree with the conclusion of this article? Just answer YES or NO, and then you can explain all you want.

To be clear, I'm not asking if you favor increased domestic production. I already know you do, because I read the section of your website called "Energy and Gas Prices." Obviously, there can be benefits to increased domestic production even if the AP article is accurate, and it won't lead to cheaper gasoline. But that's not what I'm asking about.

What I'm asking is whether you agree with the AP article's conclusion that increased domestic oil production will not lower gas prices. If you answer NO, indicating you disagree, please tell America why you disagree.

I think intellectual honesty in our political discourse is important, and often sadly absent. I anxiously await your honest response.


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