Wednesday, March 07, 2012

REI Sucks. Sent via snail mail.

Dear REI,

The Express-News is reporting that REI is opening a store at Heubner Oaks Shopping Center this fall. Here's the link to the story:

I've suggested many times over the past couple years that REI open up a San Antonio store. And I've been very clear about NOT choosing a location way up in Northside Suburbia. And what do you do? You pick the Heubner Oaks Shopping Center, a frontage road strip center way out I-10. Hey look - your neighbors are Bed, Bath & Beyond, California Pizza Kitchen, and The Gap. And don't forget about Pier 1 Imports and Saltgrass Steakhouse. Neat. The only reason I know what's out there is I just looked it up on the intertron. I'm not going out there. Ever. Shame on you, REI. You've become just another national big box retailer, no different than the rest. So now it's official - REI sucks.


P.S. - I was going to email you this letter, but you don't have an actual email address on your website. Just a crappy email form that you can't even copy and paste into. I guess you got that idea from Starbucks? Whatever.

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