Friday, March 16, 2012

Questions for the True Conservative.

Below is our inquiry to Matt Beebe, the True Conservative taking aim at Joe Straus. Here's Beebe's website. Check back for Mr. Beebe's response.

Dear Matt,

After reading the Issues section of your website, I have a couple questions.

You state that you "will seek to end the business margins tax." As you know, that tax (also called the Franchise Tax) makes up an estimated 9% of state revenue for 2012-2013.
You're certainly not alone in you dissatisfaction with the tax, but how would you replace it? Or would you replace it at all? In other words, are you advocating ending the tax altogether and forgoing all revenue it generates, or changing the tax to a more desirable form?

On illegal immigration, you state "we must get serious about interior enforcement, and end the miscarriage of justice known as 'sanctuary cities.'" What do you mean by that? What specifically should the state of Texas do with respect to immigration enforcement? An Arizona style law? Laws aimed at "self-deportation" like those enacted in Alabama? Would you go after employers of illegal immigrants? Organize task forces to arrest illegals en masse for deportation? Obviously there are many options and many different ideas being debated across the country. When you talk about "get[ting] serious about interior enforcement," what do you have in mind?

Thanks in advance for your substantive and straight-forward answers.


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