Wednesday, March 21, 2012

luridtransom Mailbag: Letter to Joe Straus

Dear Speaker Straus:

Your GOP primary challenger, the "True Conservative" Matt Beebe, has this up on his website:

Casino Gambling and Expanded Gaming
The government, at its core, has a duty to protect its citizens, not exploit them.

Unlike traditional businesses which actually grow the economy, the money that gamblers devote to gambling is a net loss, a net drain on the economy. Gaming advocates attempt to expand gambling under the guise that it will generate more revenue for government. However, study after study shows that this just isn’t the case, and local residents and taxpayers across the state would be left with a net increase in costs, while big casino bosses and well-connected special interests will siphon off money from some of the most vulnerable among us.

As Republicans we shouldn’t be distracted by lure of new revenue in the form of a tax on the poor. It’s bad for Texas families, and it’s bad for the Texas economy.

Unlike my opponent Joe Straus who’s [sic] family stands to make millions with the expansion of gaming in Texas, I will oppose:

■Las Vegas-style hotel casinos
■adding slot machines to race tracks
■any expansion of state sanctioned gambling

Here's the link:

Mr. Beebe implies that you support gambling expansion in Texas, and you are motivated by your own financial interest.

What is your position on expanded gambling in Texas? Are you in favor of Las Vegas style hotel casinos? Slot machines at race tracks? Have you supported (or opposed) gambling legislation?

Also, what are your family ties to gambling that Mr. Beebe mentions?

Thanks for your straight-forward answer.


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